Why Are Environmentalists Athiests?

Assuming that most of the hard-core environmentalists are atheist. They believe the perfect harmony of "mother nature" (some sort of non-religious deity) is upset by the meddling of "man" (an unnatural being). I don't understand how this perfect harmony is created in such a haphazard statistically impossible and unexplained way known as evolution. If the world developed in such a crazy way, how can man, one of those haphazard creations, be able to destroy it so easily?
Picture of Mother Nature on Vacation
1. Wouldn't "man" be accounted for by "mother nature" and evolve the planet to our (destructive) needs? Why should "man" change for "mother nature"? Shouldn't "mother nature" in her (haphazard) benevolence create a solution for man?
2. Is "man" somehow different or better? If "man" can bring down "mother nature" then maybe he is superior to "her." Is "mother nature" somehow tied in with evolution? Is man an anomaly of evolution? Is man a mistake from evolution? How can evolution make a mistake? If it wasn't a mistake then we must have evolved into a higher form of being over all others. If we are better than other beings, be they animals, trees etc, then that would mean our needs are paramount to all others!
3. How can this haphazard creation (from evolution) "man" be able to destroy the perfect harmony of "mother nature"? Isn't "man" also a perfectly harmonious being? Didn't evolution make "man" harmonious? Why do our needs so conflict with "mother nature" more than any other beings? Are we better or worse? If we are worse then how come we evolved the way we did? Aren't all other animals and trees part of the harmony known as "mother nature"? If we are better then aren't our needs paramount?
4. How can environmentalists & evolutionists be atheists? Perfect harmony is NOT natural, for something to evolve it must have happened by accident. If NOT by accident then something "helped" it along, which would point to another "being." If by accident then how can so many accidents happen across the entire planet? Galaxy? Universe? I'm not a mathematician, but for all these "accidents" (from the creation of opposable thumbs, to the retina in a turtle, to the internal workings of osmosis) to happen in only a few billions of years is impossible. For so many accidents to work out in perfect harmony to create the order we know today is impossible. Impossible without some sort of "helping hand."
Anyway, those are my thoughts, hope it was clear.
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