Dick Morris Rips Demmys
Just my thoughts on the political scene... I'm right so please don't argue.
The article calls them "migrants" not illegal aliens (which they are). The whole article is one sided and that side is anti-U.S.. It does not explain the position of the U.S., in regards to law, homeland security, national sovereignty and the general RIGHT to do what it wants on it's own borders!!! Pathetic!!!
Apparently Christmas is bad for the environment! They mean human activity is bad for the environment. These people are considered competent to operate heavy machinery! It doesn't make sense!
I see that Leonardo Dicaprio is coming out with an environmentalist movie. He drives a Prius, all very nice and good but he uses a private jet, even though he claims he doesn't. A jet burns more fuel in one flight than the difference between what a prius versus an Escalade saves in gas for over five years!
This is a good article on how Bush's failure to respond to his critics on the Iraq War effected his poll numbers and public opinion on the war.
This is an enlightening article for two reasons:
This is funny, I would imagine it will be the butt of many upcoming jokes. It would be pretty funny if he was obligated to be on a jury. I'm sure SNL will have a skit on it to give their take.
This poll reported by CNN is a classic example of how data from polls are manipulated to reflect a certain viewpoint. In the article it says, "But the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll released Wednesday night also found nearly six in 10 Americans said U.S. troops should not be withdrawn from Iraq until certain goals are achieved."