Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cap & Trade: Cap U.S. Wealth and Trade Away our Jobs

So Cap & Trade is almost upon us. There has been so much analysis on this piece of legislation. It's a game changer that will grossly inhibit growth. It's going to make a select few of greenies very wealthy and the rest of us will lose a lot of our "disposable income" or like Obama calls it "redistributable income."


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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

So, Now the U.S. is a Muslim Nation? According to OBAMATH!

It's interesting how President Obama claims that a Muslim Population of 6 Million in the U.S. makes us one of the largest Muslim nations in the world.

I guess this is the "New Math." The same math that brought us an Auto Recovery plan that bankrupted the Auto Industry and a trillions of dollars of debt.

I'm going to call it "Obamath"!

Obamath (n) [Short for Obamathematics] The study of the measurement of quantities and sets, using numbers and symbols, and then making up new numbers out of thin air.

I'm sure this will be mandated studying in public schools everywhere!

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